Tag Archives: app

Demibooks Composer: Building Interactive Books Directly On iPad

Demibooks Composer: Building Interactive Books Directly On iPad

Enhanced and Interactive Children’s Books: Taking Baby Steps

Children’s books are opening to a new chapter thanks in part to enhanced and interactive book apps. Along with technology, the talents of authors and illustrators are migrating to this medium. Technology is playing a major role in developing content for children’s books. Yet, any exciting new technology could generate a distorted sense that we […]

Create Fixed Layout Epub Books On the iPad

Fixed layout is the format of choice for many designers of picture-laden ebooks. Until very recently, the tools for such ebooks were few or highly technical. The format options are fairly broad for ebook authors of non-fiction and fiction books that are primarily text-based. Epub is the format used on iPad and many other tablets. Kindle […]

God’s Water Falls in the Hands of Friends

Here’s an update on my e-book, ‘God’s Water Falls’. I completed the artwork in the third week in August. I assembled it all on my iPad on a soon-to-be-released-app called ‘Book Creator, which I’ve had the pleasure to beta test. I’ll tell you more about the app once it is in the Apple’s App Store […]

Build Your Own iPad Book App

What would it take to build your own iPad book app today? Upon hearing the rumors and eventually reading some facts from reliable sources about the coming release of the original iPad 1 in 2011, I set out to design an app and have it ready for the launch of the tablet. Designing the app […]