Tag Archives: e-reader

Is An Ebook War Brewing Over Tablet Formats?

Is an ebook war brewing over tablet formats similar to the one waged between Betamax and VHS 20-30 years ago? Read the ‘MediaCollege‘ article for a brief but concise replay of that battle. There are two major competetors for interactive book content. The crown is currently being held by Apple iPad, with Android tablets coming […]

Create Fixed Layout Epub Books On the iPad

Fixed layout is the format of choice for many designers of picture-laden ebooks. Until very recently, the tools for such ebooks were few or highly technical. The format options are fairly broad for ebook authors of non-fiction and fiction books that are primarily text-based. Epub is the format used on iPad and many other tablets. Kindle […]

Kindle Tablet – More Opportunities for Enhanced Ebook Authors & Designers

It appears that it’s now more than rumor that Amazon will soon release a Kindle tablet.  Tech blogger, MG Siegler reported on TechCrunch that he has actually laid hands on the Kindle tablet. What Will a Kindle Tablet Offer to Authors & Designers of Enhanced Ebooks? The sky is opening up for designers and authors […]

Why We Don’t Need Another Killer Tablet

Before a new e-reading device makes its way to consumer wish lists, tech journalists start asking, could this be the (insert name here) killer tablet. The name most often wedged between the parentheses is the iPad.  Unless some developer/manufacturer leaps five years into the future, it appears that the best any of them can do […]